Monday, October 22, 2007

Caption Contest

Extra, Extra. You dear readers, are the first to know, but there is a new blog hitting the world wide web sometime soon. In honor of that blog. (I wont tell you what it is just yet) I am posting this picture. Please leave your captions in the comments. There is a very special prize for the winning caption.

Julia and I first encountered this picture on our flight to LA.
Julia from 6 rows back texted me:
"Turn to page 114, that guy is paaaaasssssed out"
I texted back:
"That GUYYY is my Dad"


Nate Luce said...

"Your flight attendant's concern will quickly melt away into harmless pity once you let everyone in on the headrest everyone thought was implausible! Designed by jerks at NASA over 28 years ago!"

If there were perameters established in your blog entry regarding length or tone, I obviously paid no attention to them. Thanks for letting me stay at your place. Hope I didn't scream too much or too little.

mike said...

"Sure, that lamp on ebay LOOKS like it matches your favorite ottoman, but Southwest Airlines' low low fares help eliminate the guess-work."

mbw said...

He's brutally murdered a teletubby and won't be separated from the trophy he took.

Jason said...

Who needs a carry on!

Maggie said...

Another success story.