Monday, May 19, 2008

Overcompensate: verb- to take excessive measures in attemp to make ammends for an error, weakness, or problem

I was walking the other day with the baby in the baby bjorn by the Farmers Market when I was approached by a man, wearing a fedora like hat, and looking like most other LA hipsters, he looks to be in his mid 30's at least. Here is how our interaction played out.
Man:You speak English?
Me: Yes.
*Initial thoughts: he looks fairly normal. Probably needs directions. I will continue to stand here.

Man: Listen, I'm not homeless. I'm a student at UCLA, I need to take the bus to Santa Monica. Can I have some money? There's the Farmers Market, I'm not homeless. I need to take the bus. Money? I have school. Listen, I'm not homeless. Santa Monica, Farmers Market. I'm not homeless. UCLA, I'm not homeless. You have a baby. Hey Baby, I'm not homeless. ***Cut to 3 minutes later*** Bus, Farmers Market, UCLA, Not Homeless. Baby. Not Homeless. Money. Not Homeless.
Me: ....(walk away shaking my head shielding the baby)
*Initial Thoughts: This guy is definitely homeless.

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